1 września 2018

Diseases of goldfish

Veil (goldfish, veils) - ryukin. Decorative veil varieties have been grown in China since 960. There are many very colourful species of these fish. They are very mobile fish with a very gentle disposition. Their fins seem very large at first glance compared to a small head. The length of the fins determines the unusual qualities of this species.

The wavy tail fin remains motionless and hangs very loosely. Flexible and thin fin rays allow for this. The dorsal fin, which is normally dorsal, controls vertically. Veils are presented at numerous aquarium exhibitions. The basic assessment is the proportions of fins and body. Due to the rapid metabolism and size, this fish should not be kept in crutches. Fish in such tanks get very tired. Under normal conditions, it lives for a very long time. The most beautiful are around the age of three or four. Gender can only be recognised before spawning. During this period the male's gills are covered with white papillae.



This disease occurs in black telescopes. It is characterized by the occurrence of cloudy red and irregular spots on the body, which after some time spill over the whole body of the fish. Translating this, the fish looks like it is soaked in dirty water and then dried out. Palms look like dirty stains on the fins and on the body.

A parasite at thirty degrees Celsius and a higher temperature simply dies. For sensitive fish to high temperatures is used:

kitchen salt 2g per litre of water, trippeflavin 10 mg per litre of water or a bath for ten hours. You can also use a bath for ten or forty-eight hours or a malachite green according to the leaflet in the package.

ALL KARPIOWA - it is also called lice fish as well as other parasites.

It is a small crustacean. It leads a parasitic lifestyle. The braid is usually carried with new fish.

The appearance of the spill resembles a few millimetres long skate, which is very tiny. Fish that are attacked by this parasite often rub against other objects in the tank. If we take a closer look at such a fish, we will notice an intruder - the treatment itself consists in the manual removal of the parasite from the fish. Catch the fish, then put it on a wet cloth and remove the spill with tweezers. The parasite site should be disinfected in the same way as for injuries.


  • The fish moves in a very strange and uncontrolled way.
  • Bloody spots appear at the base of gills and fins.
  • The husks start to stand out from the body and the eyes are also blown up.
  • In addition, the fish gets warped and thick.

These are symptoms that indicate poor kidney function. This results in water retention in the body. The reason for this is definitely the organic contamination of water. Initially, it can help with bathing in cyprianopur or baktopur direct. If this does not help, however, it is necessary to put the fish to sleep.



If there are no visible symptoms of disease and the fish behaves strangely, e.g. rubbing against objects and gravel, swimming under the surface and catching air, it is definitely a protozoan attack. When symptoms are already noticed, a long-term bath in FMC can help. If the infection is far-reaching, we have to put the fish to sleep, because there is no salvage. Home treatment is a short term bath between fifteen and thirty minutes in a kitchen salt solution. If you notice that the fish in the water weakens, the treatment should be stopped immediately.



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