This disease is caused by bacteria. These bacteria are basically present in every tank (also in aquariums). They are not normally harmful to fish. However, we are wondering why there is a disease at all?
The reason for this is that the fish's resistance has been drastically reduced. It is caused by a bad diet. A bad diet means a diet without vitamins, too monotonous, too hard to digest, without microelements or one that causes intestinal blockage. In addition, it is caused by rapid fluctuations in water parameters, poor water quality, the presence of a disease or chlorine in the water, breakage of the tank, lack of sufficient dissolved oxygen or inadequate manning. These bacteria attack all internal organs of the fish. It is the liver or the intestine. These bacteria cause their reduction. And damaged kidneys cause accumulation of water in the body or unfiltered blood. The disease generally leads to an inflammatory reaction of the body. The progress of this disease can lead to the inevitable death of the fish.
Type of disease - type of disease
This disease is caused by bacteria.
Pseudomonas punctata bacteria are the cause of adenocariasis, i.e. water fluff.
Circumstances conducive to the development of Sepsis
- rapid changes in water parameters
- Poor nitrogen circulation, i.e. poor water quality
- overfeeding of fish
- weakening of fish
- monotonous and inadequate diet
- age of fish - among the older ones there is a higher incidence of disease
- distress
- strictly outlying scales in the abdomen area
- flattened body - it is filled with body fluids also in the abdomen area
- whitish and flat subcutaneous blisters causing numerous discoloration, i.e. ulcerated skin
- frayed fins
- blowing up the eyeball
- mucous, filiform faeces
- open gill covers
- concealment
- Swimming difficulties
- swimming at the water surface
- bottom dwelling
- listlessness
- inappetence
This disease is very difficult to cure. The symptoms that confirm it are very advanced, and thus the internal organs are destroyed. It is recommended to transfer the diseased fish to a separate tank as soon as possible. In addition, the root cause of the disease should be identified. You can try to cure the fish. However, the chance of this is very small. Aeration of water should be increased during the treatment. Intensive lighting is not likely to be used. However, the temperature should be increased by about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius.
- TETRACYKLINA - 40 to 100 mg per litre of water. The bath shall be applied for a period of five days. Repeat this action if necessary.
- OKSITRACYKLINA - from 20 to 100 mg per litre of water. The bath shall be applied for a period of five days. Repeat this action if necessary.
- MINOCYKLINE - 250 mg per 40 litres of water. After a day, change the water completely and use the same dose. The drug must not be administered once again.
- AMPICYLINE and SYNTARPEN - 0,5 g ampicillin and 0,25 g syntarpene per 50 litres of water shall be given. Every two days we repeat the bath in a new solution.
All the above antibiotics are available only on prescription.
Baths in aquarium preparations:
ICHTIOMYCYN-C - dissolve one capsule per 50 litres of water. The capsule is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water before use. After two days it is necessary to change 1/3 of the water. Then we filter the water through active carbon. Repeat this procedure if necessary.
When we detect a disease, we have to find its direct cause. There is no evidence that the disease is contagious. No, unless it is a secondary infection. When so-called exudate appears, the fish should be subjected to euthanasia.
- take care of good water quality - every certain period of time it is necessary to control the level of nitrites and ammonia, choloramine, chlorine as well as dissolved oxygen in the water
- do not cause changes in rapid water parameters - including pH and temperature
- use a proper diet - it must be enriched with vitamins, varied and rich in microelements
- Do not nail the tank.
- do not feed the fish - we give the amount of food that the fish are able to eat at one time
- stressful situations for our fish must be reduced. When changing the water, it should not be done violently, the aquarium cast should be selected properly, the use of chemicals should be limited, and shoal fish should be kept only in larger groups.

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