Choice of colours of living room walls - guide
Wall colours in the living room: how to paint the living room?
The living room is a representative room, so the choice of appropriate colors on its walls often spends our sleep out of our eyelids. Proper interplay with light and arrangement of adjacent rooms makes it difficult for us to cope with without help. Therefore, in order not to make an imprudent choice, it is a good idea to use examples and look at pictures with different wall colours on the Internet.
In order to make the right choice, we have to decide on the style that our living room should exhibit. Whether it is to be just a place of rest, or it can boil with energy and stimulate action. The colour of the walls will in any case be the most important.
Choice of wall colour in the living room - step by step
The easiest choice will be to use one or several different shades of colour. The most popular is painting three walls in the living room with one colour of paint, and the fourth one with intensive colours, often contrasting with the surroundings. The brick-red colour is particularly fashionable, as well as purple or dark grey. The impeccable whiteness of the walls in the living room can also be enlivened in a fragmentary way, for example by painting a violet recess for a TV set and thus making it the main attraction of the living room.
The walls in the living room are a buckle that binds the interior and gives it a tone. It is a good idea to follow a rule where a calm basic colour becomes the starting point for differentiating its sound, even with a little bit of decorative madness.
Colours of living room walls in line with trends
What colours should be used to paint the walls in the living room so that they are warm and energetic at the same time? The yellow or orange colours used to paint wall fragments are ideal for this purpose, and a similar effect can be achieved by using brown or gold. The green colour will make the interior immediately cosy, and if you have a passion for the sea, you should use the maritime style.
With all the variations and madness of arrangement, associated with the color of the walls in the living room, we must, however, remember about some fundamental principles. Bright colours always enlarge our space, so they will serve in a small living room, while darker and more intense, make too much space more cosy from the place. It should not be forgotten that even if we are forced to use subdued colors, we can diversify the living room with a variety of brighter accessories, not only wall ones.

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