17 maja 2018


Have you ever wondered how much more comfortable and comfortable it would be not to look for medicines in pet shops when fish are ill? It turns out that there are homemade treatments for fish that are not only safe, but can cope with most common fish diseases. Here are some of them.


KUCHENNA Salt (NaCl). Enriches the water with microelements and iodine, which are sometimes scarce in freshwater aquariums. It also has a beneficial effect on water clarity and kills dangerous bacteria and parasites. It is suitable for fish body care during convalescence after thrush. It supports the treatment of certain diseases, including ichthyophytriosis (fish pox), saproleginosis and other fungal diseases. Salt is probably the safest type of home medicine. It shall be made up of the following baths:

  • (a) for enrichment of the freshwater aquarium and for saltwater fish: 5 g (teaspoon) of cooking salt is sufficient for every 10-15 litres of water, a proportional amount is added to the water changes.
  • (b) short-term bath for the health of the fish (outside the tank): fish should be bathed for about 20 minutes and the solution has a ratio of 2-5 g salt per litre of water.
  • (c) therapeutic bath (in an aquarium): add 5 g of kitchen salt to every 5-10 l of water.
  • (d) Short therapeutic bath (outside the aquarium): add 15 g salt per 1 l of water, bath fish for 20 minutes. This bath can be used daily.

IODINE (KJO). One of the strongest drugs poses a threat to health in too much. However, if dosed properly, it will have a beneficial effect on the health of the fish. Iodine can cure completely: saprolegniosis, childonellosis, ichthyophytriosis, tetraonchosis and other diseases. It has strong acidic properties, so do not forget about it when applying higher doses. It has many applications.

  • (a) water enrichment: a dozen or so drops of iodine need only be added
  • (b) Disinfection of petechiae on the body of large fish: prepare an iodine solution based on a ratio of 1:3. Place the fish on a moist gas, then pour the petechiae solution and place the fish in the aquarium. Avoid iodine around the eyes and gills of fish! The treatment can be applied daily.
  • (c) aquarium bath: add 10-15ml of iodine per 100l of water. The duration of the bath is 7-14 days.
  • (d) short-lived bath (outside the aquarium): add 1 ml of iodine per 1l of water. The bath should be short, not longer than 15-20 minutes (in the case of very weak fish only 10-15 minutes). It is repeated every other day.



OXIDISED WATER (H2O2). It is a very safe agent, it disinfects water and replenishes oxygen levels, for example during the transport of fish.

  • (a) oxygenation during transport of fish: add 1 to 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide per litre of water. The action can be repeated after a few hours.
  • (b) Disinfection bath in the general container: 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide shall be added per 100 litres of water. This can be repeated after a few days, using half the dose.
  • (c) short-lived bath (outside the aquarium): add 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide per litre of water. The bath should last for half an hour and can be repeated every day.
  • (d) decontamination of petechiae: place the fish on gas and pour water with hydrogen peroxide (2:1 ratio). You can repeat it every day.


KALI (KMnO4). Safe to use in appropriate, very small quantities. Short-term bathing is not recommended. In the general aquarium, one potassium permanganate crystal should be added for each 5-10 l of water. It is a very often used in aquaristics for treatment. It is suitable for diseases of internal and gill parasites, as well as bacterial and fungal diseases.

ZINK PASTA (ZnO 25%). Very safe but insoluble in water. This is why it is used to protect diseased areas of large fish. Place the fish on wet gas, dry the affected area (the paste does not stick to wet scales) and gently lubricate them with zinc paste.


ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENTS, E.G. METRONIDAZOLE. Preparations for the treatment of skin infections in humans, they are also used in fish. They perfectly cure thrush and other diseases. The ointment is applied on the surface of the fish's skin.
SIGNIFICANT WATER TEMPERATURE. When fish are sick, it is good to raise the temperature of the water. For cold water fish up to about 26*C, and for tropical fish up to 30*C. High temperature inhibits or even kills the development of parasites. It has no effect on fish.

I hope that the above advice will help you decide which measures are best taken.



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