Trekking sticks or Nordic walking - how do they differ?
Today, hiking is very popular. Just look at the sidewalks in the cities or forest paths during warmer days to see how many people march with special sticks in their hands. The mountains are also full of hikers who support themselves with this kind of equipment. But in fact, walking on flat terrain and mountainous terrain are two different disciplines, so they also need completely different accessories. In the city or forest nordic walking sticks will work, while in the mountains you need to take trekking sticks. What is worth knowing about them?
Nordic walking and trekking are outdoor physical activities, extremely beneficial for health. Both stimulate all parts of the body to work, strengthen muscles, make it easier to lose weight, support the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, and also help to break away from everyday life. However, it is important to distinguish between them. Nordic walking takes place on flat terrain and is less demanding than trekking, which often takes place in difficult conditions, e.g. in the mountains. Therefore, Nordic walking is usually decided by the elderly, while trekking is the domain of the younger generation. However, in both sports you need the right poles.
Trekking poles
When hiking in the mountains or other difficult terrain, you can't do without the right poles. They help to relieve strain on the knees and spine during climbing and also provide the user with safety. They will be especially useful for people who travel with heavy backpacks, but will also be useful for less loaded tourists. What should good trekking sticks be?
What should good trekking sticks be?
Trekking poles can be made of aluminium or carbon fibre. The first material is more durable, the second is much lighter.
It is best to choose trekking poles with carbide tips, i.e. widia. This is the most abrasion-resistant material.
The poles can consist of several segments. It is a good idea to choose 3-segment trekking poles, which are the easiest to transport after folding.
We recommend the foam handle poles, which are comfortable and pleasant to touch.
The blocking system is also very important in the poles, thanks to which the poles will not fold during the hike. It is worth betting on products with an external lever.
Nordic walking sticks
Nordic walking originates from Scandinavia, but today it is also very fashionable in Poland and other countries. Nordic Walking poles are products specially designed for walking on flat terrain, so they should not be confused with trekking poles. What Nordic Walking sticks are worth buying to be able to move peacefully on the sidewalks and paths?
- Beginners of Nordic Walking are recommended to use cheaper aluminum poles. More expensive carbon poles are good products for more advanced users.
- It is best to choose poles with tungsten tips, which are very durable. If you want to travel on asphalt, you should buy rubber caps.
- The most comfortable are cork handles, but mainly used in more expensive products. Nordic walking sticks can also have elastomeric handles or the cheapest plastic ones.
It is worth to do Nordic walking or trekking. It is very good for the health of the discipline, and in addition they improve the well-being. In order to make it easier for yourself to march, you should equip yourself with decent sticks. However, the choice is not easy, as the manufacturers offer a wide variety of products. Trekking poles should be made of aluminium or carbon fibre, with widow ends, 3-segment and with foam grips. Good Nordic Walking sticks are made of carbon fibre, with tungsten tips, cork handles and a removable glove.

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