Arranging the hallway - how to arrange it properly?
The hallway is a very important part of a house or apartment, but unfortunately not everyone pays attention to its proper arrangement. Usually we focus too much on other rooms - such as the living room or bedroom. Meanwhile, it is the hallway as the first room to invite guests, and some will not even enter the living room, because they only came in for a moment.
That's why we should all focus more on how to egronomically arrange the hallway - although it's not easy, because there's usually little space to collect a lot of things, while leaving space at each door, and that's a big limit. Therefore, we advise how to properly organize the hall - these are a few propositions for those who are just thinking about its proper equipment!
Hallway - basic elements
Properly organized space in the hallway allows for additional storage space. The decision to design it properly is therefore important not only for its general appearance - which should be representative - but also for simple practical reasons. Where to start? Undoubtedly from such things that simply have to be in the hallway - every hallway. The real basis is:
- clothes hangers
- shoe cabinets
- seat
- a mirror.
Hallway device in the block
Clothes hangers can be either outside or can be fitted with a special wardrobe (or wardrobes). The latter option is currently particularly popular, with sliding doors being the most frequently used for this purpose. Remember, however, that if the jacket is wet, for example, it is not good to hang it inside at once - not only will it dry more slowly, but it will also wet some other thing. So it is much better to have a locked wardrobe for outer clothing (currently not in use) as well as regular clothes hangers, which can be used in all weather conditions.
When it comes to shoe cabinets - another basic equipment of the anteroom in the block - you can find a variety of shops. The main division, however, divides them into open or closed - so we can choose one that will either show all the shoes set in it, or they will be closed inside. Of course, the more pairs of shoes, the bigger the cupboard you need to buy, but sometimes it's worth going up, rather than buying a wide piece of furniture that will play optically small interior.
What else in the hallway?
In the hallway, of course, there must be a place to sit so that you can comfortably put on your shoes. It is also worth having a mirror in the hallway - not only to be able to look through before leaving the house, but also to optically enlarge the space. In many modern hallways there must also be a key cabinet - hung in a visible place, so that you never forget or miss important keys. It is also worth to have an umbrella stand - now you can buy them in really interesting, original forms. Not only will they add flavour to the space, but they will also be useful to keep the umbrellas in one place.

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