What is aesthetic medicine?
Over the last 10 years there has been a growing interest in non-invasive methods of beauty improvement. Aesthetic medicine fills the gaps between cosmetology and plastic surgery. It turned out that wrinkles can now be corrected without plastic surgery.
The role of the media was invaluable here, as they ran various programs that could influence the patient's consciousness. Thanks to this, they realize that there are minimally invasive and safe procedures that did not disable everyday activities but also allowed them to stop the time clock in an effective way. Aesthetic medicine has become a permanent feature of our patients and not only in Poland.
What does aesthetic medicine do?
The assumption is that aesthetic medicine deals with activities related to delaying the aging process of the skin. thanks to this it will be possible to improve the quality of our lives. Through small and non-invasive treatments you will be able to rejuvenate the skin, improve its condition, remove minor aesthetic defects, which will adversely affect our self-esteem. However, the treatment may only be performed by a specialist who has a certificate authorising him/her to do so.
Aesthetic medicine vs. plastic surgery
Aesthetic medicine is a better solution as it will be a non-invasive and safe procedure, in the case of plastic surgery there is no possibility to perform outpatient procedures, everything will be associated with the use of scalpel and therefore it carries some risk as well.
Aesthetic medicine vs. cosmetology
Cosmetology deals with issues related to beautification and influence on particular skin types. These are only surface treatments. Definitely less invasive than aesthetic medicine, but will not affect the deeper layers of the skin. Most often, a cosmetologist gives us basic information on how to take care of the skin, suggests how to implement this care and at the same time provides comprehensive advice on a healthy lifestyle and on problems with skin ailments and diseases.
Aesthetic medicine treatments are recommended in case of flaccid and dry skin, mimic wrinkles, fixed and furrows, bad facial contour, asymmetric or dehydrated lips or various discolourations. It will be possible to perform the procedure in case of dilated capillaries, erythema, acne juvenile and pinkish.

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